Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Jack Brooks: Monster Slayer (2007)

Once the action kicked in, I really enjoyed the film.
Parts were kinda funny, I personally would have gone a bit more silly with it (never thought I would say that).
The directing was decent, if a but over the top at times.
It was an ok origin tale for a "Monster Slayer".

The Bad:
Lots of poorly executed cliches.
So-so acting.
It took almost an hour for anything interesting to really happen.
I often enjoy 2D characters, but the ones in this film were quite uninspired.

Overall: I would say this is a just-less-than-average B movie (it needed more action). It may well be a decent start to a "Jack Brooks" series, but as a stand alone, this film falls well-short of an Evil Dead 2 in creating an enduring monster slayer and doesn't have enough humor to be an enjoyable monster-slaying romp like Dead Alive. This is a Sunday afternoon watch, that can be watched while cooking dinnner and nothing is lost if you miss some of it.

1 comment:

Frayed One said...

Saw this one recently and felt pretty much the same way. While I did genuinely chuckle at many parts - most of it was slow and tedious. And was it just me or did you feel like you had actually seen parts of this movie before? Not just that the plot or the sequence was familiar - but that somewhere else in another movie of the genre you had seen the exact scene, exact costuming, exact layout - just, better?