Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Mirrors (2008)

The Good:
Keifer Sutherland was decent in the role, believable and a sympathetic lead character.
The subtle special effects during most of the film were well done.
I liked the concept in general.

The Bad:
The wife's acting.
Some special effects were badly done (some fire scenes).
A few things about the plot were absolute horror cliches.
The film almost seemed to be two seperate

Overall: I would love to see the original. I imagine it is creepier but perhaps that is wishful thinking on my part. It's not The Shining example of horror... but it was alright.

1 comment:

Frayed One said...

We, again, very much agree on this one. When I read about the concept for this one I was intrigued, but ended up feeling let down ultimately. Good idea, just not completely thought out or executed in my opinion.