Deliver Us From Evil
This documentary film pulls you in quickly and keeps you captured until it's over. It will make you so very sad and then so very very angry. As soon as it was over I felt like a piece of heart had been ripped out. I don't think I could ever watch it again, but it is an important documentary that speaks for the victims of childhood sexual abuse by priests and accuses the Catholic Church (rightfully so) of a systematic cover-up and conspiracy. I honestly feel a bit ill. I highly recommend this film. Powerfully moving, and so depressingly real.
In the queue. Thanks!
I don't know if I could stand to see this film. Just thinking about it makes my blood boil. There is no excuse for what these men did and no excuse for ANY religion that SUPPOSEDLY is following ANY kind of god to try and cover it up the way the CC BLATENTLY did. That was really the final lynchpin in my complete and final disconnection from organized religion.
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