Sunday, May 6, 2007

Review of A History of Violence (2005)

A History of Violence

The Good:
I liked the story, it was engaging.
The acting was very good.
The shots and general cinematography was done well.
Another graphic novel to film adaptation.
The violence was disturbing and crisp.

The Bad:
Some of the characters were a little thin.
The script was a bit lacking at times in the way of character interaction.
I was left wanting resolutions to some of the issues in the film.
Some of it was slow.

Overall: A good movie. Not for the kiddies. Like a reverse Godfather, minus the awesome writing and intricate plot elements and the all-star cast... ok, so nothing like the Godfather, but still good.


Beck said...

I saw "History" a while back, and I have conflicting emotions about it. The first 2/3rds of the movie is engaging, suspenseful, and genuinely interesting. Viggo is awesome, and Ed Harris is perfectly creepy.

*Spoiler Alert*

However, I just felt like the last act of the movie just fell apart. It felt contrived, rushed... a caraciture of the mob scene. There just wasn't any chemisty what so ever.

And really, why would being a member of the mob make someone a vertiable ninja?

It doesn't... and that's why the whole thing unravelled at the end for me. I was kinda mad, actually, because the first part of the movie was sooo good. Oh well.

Pope said...

I think your assessment is on-point on the last third. And they really didn't give William Hurt like any real face-time. And with the ninja thing... ok, that is true, but for some reason I just let that go :-) I mean, it was a graphic novel, Sin City had a bunch of ninjas, that weren't ninjas.

My problem with the first 1/3 though, is the dialogue. It is completely trite and unrealistic.


I guess what I am saying is that as a numerical rating out of 10, I would give it a 6.5.