Monday, December 10, 2007

Disturbia (2007)

The Good:
Some of the directing was neat, but nothing extraordinary (especially not the last 10 minutes sadly).
Shia LaBeouf was decent, though he was better in Transformers.
Aaron Yoo, who played the main character's friend, was pretty good in his role.
It was an interesting premise.

The Bad:
The first 30 - 45 minutes is basically a waste. It's boring while not advancing the plot much at all.
Carrie-Anne Moss was surprisingly boring in her role.
I didn't think the interesting part of the plot - the basics are revealed in the movie poster above - was really delved into nearly enough... or maybe it was just not explored in very interesting way.
As the film progressed, it asked for too much suspension of disbelief.
The whole "love story" crap was terrible.

Overall: Alright, honestly I didn't expect to like it a lot... and I didn't. Watch Rear Window instead... duh.

1 comment:

Frayed One said...

100% agreed. This is NO Rear Window. Skip this - go back and watch Rear Window again - then take out everything that makes Rear Window good and make it generic and trendy and you have Disturbia. Also - come on - they guy that plays the villain is ALWAYS the villain. Like people didn't see THAT one coming.