Thursday, January 10, 2008

I Am Legend (2007)

The Good:
I dig the premise of this story, it seems nearly every few years has a retelling of I Am Legend (copyright 1954) in one way or another. I suppose the modern zombie film has Matheson to thank for its basic plot.
I enjoyed following the character around the empty streets of New York, the little things really made the role believable.
I liked the dog.
The action was alright in it.

The Bad:
It just felt like something was missing... hard to say what, but at the end I was just saying to myself, "Well, I guess it was a movie." Nothing really excited me.
The end - blah and boo!
I would have liked a little more explanation about the "main bad guy", I mean I guess I get it but... really...
The science versus religion thing was done better in earlier film.

It was a decent enough movie, but it was better as The Omega Man or even better than that as The Last Man on Earth (for my review of it click here)!

1 comment:

Frayed One said...

If you want to see what was missing - read the book. The book was incredible, short but very good. It will give you what was missing - and also reveal that the main character was actually a blonde haired blue eyed white man.

However - I have a weak spot for Will Smith and hoped that he would be successful in this endeavor. Not everyone can pull off Tom Hanks with a volleyball for two hours.