Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Review of Children of Men (2006)

Children of Men

This is a perfect example of how a director and a cinematographer can completely shape a film. From the steady camera work at the beginning to the frantic war documentary style near the end. From the choice of music to set the mood to the St.Francis of Assisi aura around the main character. The tone and feel of the movie is amazing. The plot and characters were not really that extraordinary, but the acting coupled with the pacing and direction crafted a story that draws you in completely. A truly great film.


Beck said...

Glad you saw it!

The film has a remarkable and fascinating premise, and despite the occasional pacing problems, I thought it was a great film.

*Spoiler Alert*

My favorite scene in the whole film was near the very end, when Theo, Joy, and the baby were walking out of the ruins of the building, and everything just stopped and the cries of an infant were heard... Insurgent, civilian, and soldier alike paused and just stared in awe. A fantastic movie moment.

Pope said...

Interesting, I felt the premise was unexplored and not really that original. The pacing on the other hand I felt was perfect. That's the wonder of the world through different eyes. I agree it was a great film.

Beck said...

Well, whenever I'm watching a movie and I think to myself "Ok, I'm ready for something else to happen, please", then that's a sure sign to me that the pacing needs improvement. :)

But while Children of Men did drag its feet in a couple places, I didn't consider it a problem so much as an indulgence taken by the director to tell the story the way he wanted to... which I didn't have a problem with at all, considering how good the rest of the movie was.

Now when are you going to watch Jarhead? :)

Pope said...

Ok, my goal now is to see Jarhead before I see you Monday.

The only problem is that I just started watching this series on DVD that my brother just let me borrow. It's called Jeremiah. I never heard about it while it was on tv. It unexpected grabbed my full attention when I found out it was written by J. Michael Straczynski (writer of Babylon 5, plus many episodes of The Real Ghostbusters, He-Man and She-Ra, Murder She Wrote and the oft forgotten Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future).

Beck said...

Jeremiah? Hmm, I've never even heard of it. Interesting... let me know how it is!

But, as a representative of your Y Chromosome, I am urging you to see Jarhead as soon as possible.

Frayed One said...

I'm glad to hear that Children of Men was good (on two totally different fronts). I'm a big fan of Clive Owen and was hoping to see him in another movie that I liked instead of just liking him in a crap film. Anxious to see this now - however - I have NO desire to see Jarhead (and I love some JG). Jarhead from the previews seems to be everything I hate about stereotypical males and stereotypical military. It makes me feel sorry for my friends who are in the military that people think THIS is who they are. When I hear the phrase "oo-rah" I want to vomit - seriously.