Thursday, May 10, 2007

Review of Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price (2005)

I love a good documentary and this one was pretty good. I honestly feel like I need to find religion and get forgiveness for ever shopping at Wal-Mart. If only a portion of the information in this film is true, Wal-Mart has usurped one of the principle roles in Hell from Mammon. Their practices are anti-union (that's enough to make me stop shopping their alone), anti-worker's rights, anti-living wage, pro-use the government, pro-perjury, might makes right, and happy to destroy small business. It is a persuasive film. I vow not to shop at the belly of the beast any more. You should watch this :-)


Pope said...

Ok, so far that makes 2 companies I don't buy anything from: Wal-Mart and Shell. I also avoid Exxon whenever possible, I can't remember why I disliked them. Although to be honest, all Big Oil is in no uncertain terms evil. Oil = evil. I guess my car burns evil.

a. said...

When I watched the exposes on PBS or read Nickeled and Dimed, I felt the same way... and yet I have to say, if the price difference is a full dollar between Walmart and another grocery store, I'm a woman on a budget. Ugg. If Walmart=Evil, then I guess my family eats evil. ;)

Frayed One said...

My family eats evil too. I am uber poor.