Sunday, August 19, 2007

Battlespace (2006)

The Good:
The story itself was neat. It is a tale of faith versus technology or perhaps the paths of humanity's future.
The concepts for the tech, though some were not wholly original, were interesting.
Nice variety in the look of the ships and buildings.

The Bad:
Most of the story was told in a voice-over.
The acting was not-so-good.
The actual script was very sparse.
It is very long to be what it is.
Much of the film takes place in a desert.
If low budget special effects get on your nerves, don't watch this.

Keep in mind this was a low budget film. The movie as a whole is not terrible, but it is very much like a long fan film or something. If you can endure this feature, being what it is, you will be a true fan of scifi for the sake of it being scifi. In other words, it's ok for a low budget film, in the overall scheme of things, it's below average.

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