Monday, March 3, 2008

The Dark (2005)

This DVD was just released today (Tuesday, April 11, 2006). I decided to grab it... no really reason... I guess the back sounded okay.

The Good:
It was a cool dour Welsh myth/folktale/ghost story.
For once it was the mom that was a bit harsh, I think especially in horror movies, men get a bad rep for being aggressive and "stressed".
The Welsh countryside is gorgeous.
The story pulls you in pretty well.
The otherworldly stuff is done nicely.
They made sheep creepy.

The Bad:
The little girls in it were ok at best (I don't like to be down on kids as actors, but I don't blame them, I blame the director here)
I got so tired of people yelling, "Sarah!"
I thought they could have push the sanity limit on the mom a little more.
The alternate ending on the DVD was worthless.

Overall: Not bad at all, The Dark gets a 85% Darkness for sure.

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