Monday, March 3, 2008

The Legend of Bloody Jack (2007)

When I was in the 10th grade, my english teacher asked us to write a story within a story within a story as a group project (Pylgrim X was in my group), much like the novel Frankenstein is at one point - you have the guy writing his sister of the story the monster tells inside the story Victor tells. We had a blast with this project! Among other things I got to pretend to have sex outside the door with a popular cheerleader who never liked me (we tossed in clothes to make it look like a furious affair), and we used awesome names in it, the only one I can recall is one of the women in the story was named Carroll O'Connor. Ah, that was a good time! I bring this up because it is what this film attempts to do... sadly a group of 10th graders did it better (well to honest Pylgrim X and I did all the work on the project). So as a quick summation of this movie - oh that was a story... oh wait that was a story?... hold on was that story too... this is stupid!

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