Monday, March 17, 2008

The Mist (2007)

The Good:
I liked the plot, sort of a Lord of the Flies meets just a few of the 12 Angry Men in The Fog.
The main human antagonist was very well acted (ie I hated her).
Some of the ideas in the film were not completely idiotic.
Played on the lines between rational and irrational, science and superstition, dogma and compassion, and free-thinking versus herd mentality, all quite well.
There were a few moments of wonderful, glorious happiness in it :-)

The Bad:
The ending was not good at all (the very end that is).
I would have liked to have seen some follow-through with some of the characters.
Some of it was predictable.

Overall: Not a bad Stephen King horror. I would say this is worth watching if you are a horror fan, or if you like movies about twisted human nature.


Frayed One said...

As this is perhaps my favorite Stephen King short story - I doubt I will ever see the film. There's just no way a film can ever do it justice, and based on your review this one didn't even come close. Thanks for the warning!

Pope said...

I liked the film.

Pope said...

And most of the reviews I have read from people who have read the novella say that it is a near dead-on adaptation of the story (except the Stephen-King-approved ending). So again... um... I liked and people who like S.K. seem to like it. No warning here, except it you might enjoy it.

Anonymous said...

the Mist is a thinker for sure, pretty good all around, except a lot of the character conflict was really predictable...

is it me, or did those insect-like aliens have human teeth?