Monday, March 17, 2008

Mean Girls (2004)

Finally saw Mean Girls. Wow, it was really funny! I enjoyed the whole movie to be honest. I would not dare to say it was a great film or will change cinema or anything, but it was well-written and decently acted and pretty darn hilarious (and so true about HS girls). Lindsay Lohan and Lacy Chabert and Tina Fey all did a great job and were very in-character.

I have no idea why I waited so long to watch this...

And as a final note, Tim Meadows was freaking AWESOME in it. Every time he opened his mouth I laughed.


Frayed One said...

Really? You sincerely enjoyed this "film"? Hmmm.... I am perplexed. I guess it comes down to thinking that Tina Fey is not a complete talentless waste of space - which I have always thought she was. I've attempted to watch this movie several times because people tell me how hilarious it is and what a great writer Tina Fey is. I never make it through the whole movie because I become immediately lost in how much of a watered down rip off it is of so many other movies. Heathers, Jawbreaker, just about every teen angst movie ever made. Perhaps I'll try to watch it again some day.

Anonymous said...

I know. I was shocked. This movie was funny as crap.