Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Superman Returns (2006)

So I had a free pass to see this movie. I would have seen it anyway but seeing it for free was even better (written Sunday, July 02, 2006).

The Good:
The directing was top notch. The angles and shots were spectacular.
The characters were played well. Spacey was a good Luthor, Routh was a good Superman/Kent, Bosworth was a good Lane (I never cared much for Lois though, not in the comics, not in the movies, not in the cartoon even, she was a P.O.V. character to me).
The music, but I mean come on Williams is awesome and it is the same music basically as before.
There was a bit of Busiek-style dialouge in there (it reminded me of Samaritan in Astro City).
The Metropolis look and feel was a bright and perfect fictional New York.

The Bad:
The story elements... I don't want to have any spoilers in here, but I will say that anyone wanting strict old school elements of Superman should let go of that before seeing it. Bye bye 1940's boyscout. I understand he is a new Superman for a new time but as with Batman Begins, I thought that there were some central elements on the theme of the character that shouldn't be violated... oh well... at least he didn't kill anyone.
The plot wasn't great... it was okay, but not great as I was expecting.

Overall: I give it a Batman Begins plus or minus 10%. Somebody better put out a great comic book movie soon or... oh yeah, the preview for Spiderman 3 was at the start, I'm sure it will be awesome.

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