Monday, March 3, 2008

The Exorcism of Emily Rose (2005)

I picked this up the other day mainly because I hadn't seen a good movie about possession in years. So I popped it in and crossed my fingers, although it probably would have been more appropriate to "cross" myself :-).

The Good:
The film executed being believable very well (of course it is based on a true story).
It combined a courtroom drama and horror movie very well.
The movie turned out to be not so scary, but it was quite creepy - which works much better for one's suspension of disbelief.
The subtle color/lighting symbolism was sweet (Joseph Conrad you coulda learned a few things from the film!).
It presented some very interesting philosophical. spiritual, and legal questions.

The Bad:
The story doesn't move extremely fast.
I thought there should have been a little more from the family's POV, but of course it wasn't their story.

Overall: I really liked this movie. I had seen it on the shelf for weeks and weeks and passed it by, too bad for me. Regardless of faith or lack of faith or anti-faith you have, this is a good film. I give this movie an Exorcist II: The Heretic + Exorcist III +Omen IV: The Awakening , in other words better than those 3 combined.

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