Thursday, March 6, 2008

Slither (2006)

So I went into this movie with reserved excitement. I have wanted to see this film since I heard about it... can't really say why... I just thought this looked entertaining.

The Good:
The dialouge was awesome! I thought the people sounded like real people, ok not like real people, but at least like people I know... if they were in a horror movie.
The filmmaking aspects were very good.
The pacing was fun, every 15 minutes or so it sped up.
I loved the characters, especially Kylie.
It is a classic hive-mind alien story, but done with a wonderful wit about it.
Michael Rooker.

The Bad:
The bad, actually ends up feeding into the good, like when you go, "He did not just..." or "That's ridiculous!"... the bad parts were so bad they were funny.

Overall: I really liked this movie. It is a definate The Return of the Living Dead. Hehehehehe. So fun, so fun.

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