Monday, March 3, 2008

Superman: Brainiac Attacks (2006)

Okay, I am a huge fan of the Bruce Timm cartoons from the very well done Batman: The Animated Series to the absolutely amazing Justice League and Justice League Unlimited. So I figured this direct to video Superman picture might be good as well.

The Good:
It was kinda cool that they brought back Daly and Delany to voice Superman and Lois Lane, not that I didn't like the guys who did it on Justice League, but it was cool that they brought them back.

The Bad:
The guy who did Luthor's voice wasn't the normal guy, it was actually the guy who did Grodd's voice in the series (he was good as Grodd). Plus Luthor's character completely sucked in this movie.
It was simple... not in a good way. The plot was less thought-out than the old plots from the Super Friends.
It was bad... bad...

Overall: This is a mockery of all that has come before it. My god! I love love love Bruce Timm's animation, stories, and characters, but this.... only one tiny bit better than Feeling Minnesota.

Looking at the IMDB entry for this at a later time revealed to me, that though the animation looked similar, Bruce Timm had nothing to do with this load of poo. Thank god, I still have faith in you BT!

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