Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Frankenstein (2004)

First let me start off by saying that the novel Frankenstein is sacrosanct to me. It is the only book that I have read 3 times (I have read a lot of books twice, but only one three times. Usually even with a good book I read it only once). I love the characters, the theme, the plot, the everything. Reading the back of the DVD I decided going in I would abandon all this and try to enjoy this "re-thinking" of the concept, btw I think it was a tv movie.

The Good:
I really enjoyed the creature. But I always have in every version.
It was interesting seeing Parker Posey as a "tough cop".
The exploration of immortality is very interestingly done. I find it more believable with science than with superstition (this is probably why I am so hard to please with vampire movies).
The look of the film was very fitting, dark tones to everything, sometimes blue-hued, sometimes sepia.

The Bad:
The characters were 2-D the way. That is not to say they were all bad, but no surprises.
There is no mystery to this film, it was meant to kind of be a cop drama/sci-fi or something I think... it really feels like a tv movie.
Near the end, a few things confused me a bit.
I usually wouldn't say something like this but... in the end, it doesn't end. I think it is meant to have a sequel or something, I don't know. I will say that you are left hanging in a very odd way, like, "Here comes the climax!...wait, it's over?"

Overall: I give this one Frankenstein (1994). In other words, the mediocrity of this 2004 film was equal to the massacring of the title in 1994 (which could have been perfect, thanks for screwing up the ending Branagh!).

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