Monday, March 3, 2008

Hostel (2005)

To be honest, I have heard very little about this movie. So here we go.

The Good:
I enjoy the unorthodox use of P.O.V. in the film.
Lots of topless women, that indeed was a plus.
The settings in the movie were very nice, not utilized quite enough in my opinion but they were none the less nice.
I enjoyed the character Oli.
For a few minutes there was a nice tense feeling of frantic desperation.
The weird little kids were cool.
Did I mention the women without clothes?

The Bad:
It took about an hour for it to really get into the "horror".
Did these guys not ever think about calling or emailing someone in the US, I mean sure they are young guys on vacation but everyone I know drops into internet cafes to send out mass emails at every stop or in the least calls some from Europe, I mean it's cool to ring some one and say, "How's it going?...Me, nah I can't come over right now, I'm in Slovakia."
I didn't really feel connected with Paxton and Josh, the main characters.
A lot of the torture reminded me of Hostel's executive producer Quentin Tarantino's ear removal and various other scenes from Reservoir Dogs.
The end left me unsatisfied.

Overall: Well, it was a very average movie. Not shocking, not inventive, but not terrible. If you are wondering what I would compare this to, well, were it a sci-fi it would merely be The One , but with less kick-ass fight and more boobies.

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