Monday, March 3, 2008

X-Men: The Final Stand (2006)

(written June 20, 2006)
I was so excited to see this the third installment in the X-Men franchise. I had been anticipating it for months. The movie poster was even my desktop at work. So...

The Good:
I always like seeing the new character included in any comic book movie, so seeing Angel, Beast, Callisto, Juggernaut...
I really liked Juggernaut a lot. He was dumb, cliche and just in general a great choice for the role.
It was pretty... the special effects were neat to look at.
Got to see the Ghost Rider preview.
The Wolverine in the woods bit was pretty fun.

The Bad:
I respect that the story was different than the comic cannon, but the plot was just bad. One can stray from the cannon and still make a great film. For instance the choices made by Marvel and Raimi in Spider-Man: they made the web-shooters part of his physical change and switched Mary Jane and Gwen Stacy (and made her survive). Great decisions - superb movie. Though the first Spider-man film was a 10, to be honest I liked the second film even better. Wow, I strayed from my point I think.
No character development. I cared for no one in the film.
No regard for physics - see the fight in the house, especially the Juggernaut/Wolverine part.
Terrible ending... terrible.
What the heck was the point of putting Angel in the movie? He was superfluous.

Overall: Sadly, I give this movie a Batman & Robin. It was interesting to see once... It has pretty girls in it... but the earlier movies were better...*sigh* the first two X-Men were so good. Brian singer you better deliver on Superman Returns.

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