Wednesday, March 5, 2008

The Omen (2006)

I loved the original film. I didn't get too excited when I saw the previews for this remake, but I still wanted to see it.

The Good:
It was subtle in it's supernatural elements, I liked that.
The direction was fine, the cinematography was fine, the acting was fine.
If you like films to stay true to the original, this one did a pretty good job of that.
Pete Postlethwaite's character Father Brennan was strangely believable.

The Bad:
Too much like the original. I like to see a film take a couple of risks to be different, otherwise why remake it?
No Gregory Peck.
The kid was boring, not frightening.
Didn't seem as "real" as the original.

Overall: Watch the original The Omen instead.

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