Monday, March 3, 2008

Gabriel (2007)

The Good:
It tried to be different.
It used some interesting names for angels, some not too often heard.

The Bad:
The pop theology was disgusting.
It tried to ask philosophical questions about man but used angels as the metaphysical backdrop - freaking idiotic if you ask me. I mean, I suppose it could be done, but this film failed in that endeavor.
Didn't really explain the "rules" of what was going on.
Tried really hard to look "cool"... but it wasn't.

Overall: I wanna be The Prophecy, not wait, I wanna be The Matrix, no no no, I wanna be Underworld... but I wanna be deep, but not too deep, ok, not deep, but seem deep. Yeah... I wanna be the Prophecy of the Matrix Underworld and pretend to ask philosophical and theological questions that aren't entirely thought through... yeah.

Skip this film.

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