Friday, March 7, 2008

The Descent (2005)

The Good:
The director did a great job of giving you the feeling of claustrophobia.
The lighting was done very well, in other words most of the movie was in near total darkness.
Suspension of disbelief is easy in this film.
The all female cast worked with the plot quite well.
Though this setting has been used in horror films in the past, I believe this film does the best at utilizing the subterranean.

The Bad:
I only remember 2 characters' names out of 6, ie to me only 2 of the characters were interesting (being basically the two lead characters).
The character motivations were strange in some parts, or maybe they were just strange to a rational person... what? You don't think I'm rational? I am so, and if don't believe me I'll make you regret it!!!

Overall: This movie was quite pleasing for a horror film. Its a breath of new life into a field littered with flapdoodle hoping to masquerade as mediocrity. If you liked what Dog Soldiers did for werewolves, then you should enjoy what this film does for spelunking (same director).


Frayed One said...

Did you mean to call it "The Descemt"? :p

There were some things about this film that I did enjoy - unfortunately they were outweighed by the things I did not.

Completely agree on the setting though. They did a very good job of making you feel as though you were trapped with them as well. Agreed on the cast as well - the main two were great - the others just kind of faded quickly into the background, or giant pool of blood and decomposing corpses as the case may be.

I just felt like the plot and the "unknown mutant cave creatures" has been done so many times. I wanted the creatures to give me that creeped out feel I got in the first two Alien installments where the less I saw of them the more wary I was. I just didn't get that here. And when I finally did get a good glimpse of them all I kept thinking was "Gollum... Gollum".

Pope said...

Hehe... thanks for the heads-up on the title. I changed it now.