Monday, March 3, 2008

MoH: Pelts (2006)

The Good:
I liked the modern seedy noir feel of much of the film (strip clubs and sweat shops), the remainder is filled with hillbillies and raccoons.
Meat Loaf is in it, he's great (btw, he's billed as Meatloaf Aday in the credits hehehe).
Adult Content.
The directing was smooth and disturbing, I found myself laughing in disgust multiple times.
Some of it was quite funny (though I'm not sure it was meant to be).
I liked the interplay of lust, obsession, greed... well basically "sin" coupled with animals pelts. Flesh fuels flesh.

The Bad:
Some of it was funny though I'm sure it was not meant to be.
It played around with a few different concepts that seemed to give depth to the plot, but none of them ever went anywhere.
Hard for me to see raccoons as menacing.

Overall: Not bad, I would say somewhere inbetween MOH: Dance of the Dead and MOH: The Fair-Haired Child.

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