Monday, March 3, 2008

Doom (2005)

I postponed watching this one for some time now. I expected little from it, but hey, I rented it, so I watched it.

The Good:
The action sequences were pretty well done.
It had the dark feel of the game.
There was a vein of cruel brutality that I found fun.
The BFG.
Hehehe, first-person mode.

The Bad:
The plot was not so good even for an action sci-fi, but what do you expect, it's based on a video game.
It didn't really keep my attention well for the first three quarters of the film.
It wasn't creepy at all, dark yes, creepy no.

Overall: I was never a fan of the game. I'm not a big fan of the movie. But if you are about to pick up AVP: Alien vs. Predator at the video store, go for this one instead... it's slightly better.

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