Monday, March 3, 2008

For Your Consideration (2006)

The Good:

There were a few decent laughs that seemed to be in the true tradition of Christopher Guest.
The action in the background was pretty neat.
I love Parker Posey, but I mean who doesn't?
Some of the return "Guest players" are pretty good, but sadly those people are in the minor roles (example Michael Hitchcock, who is one of the best of the best in my opinion anyway).

The Bad:
Not nearly as funny as I was hoping.
I really, really don't care about actors lives in Hollywood. Plus it is difficult to "do Christopher Guest comedy" when we actually think the people involved are absurd from the get-go. What makes his other films so great is the unexpected extremes the people go to, whether it be folk singers worshipping colors, dog owners transfering the tension of their relationship onto their dog, or the entire town becoming entrenched in a play that is a marvelous trainwreck, it's those extremes that surprise us and make us connect with the characters. Actors in Hollywood are assumed to be weird and absurd and neurotic, I don't know if I am getting my point across... *exhale* oh well.
It didn't feel like a finished film, it felt incomplete somehow.

Overall: This movie is much more a tragedy than a comedy and I mean that either way you take it. I can't even muster up the strength to give it half A Mighty Wind.

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