Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Hard Candy (2005)

It's been a while since I have posted a movie review I know. But today I went by the video store and picked up a few titles. The first one I grabbed was the one I am reviewing here. I have heard some about this movie, nothing that I specifically remember as good or bad, but I do remember Reed mentioning seeing it in the theater.

The Good:
The use of light and color was fantastic. The way the director and cinematographer and lighting director worked together to construct a film that reflects the fact the main character was a photographer is the crowning acheivement of this picture for sure, it was amazing.
Interesting take on Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf.
The pacing was well done, using the music and silence in appropriate and interesting ways.

The Bad:
The acting was alright, but it could have been a whole lot better.
The story was a little two dimesional, not that I need twists and subplots to enjoy a movie but a little more character development would have been nice.
I had no sympathy for either character, not that I wouldn't have had sympathy for a person in either situation, just not these two characters in this movie.

Overall: I would say I felt sleazy after watching, but it did raise interet questions about the nature and use of vigilantism. I would give this film a cake, well a cake made of a base of Lolita (1997) followed by a layer of One Hour Photo and finally top it off with a little dab of Swimming with Sharks (without the dark comedy).

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