Monday, March 24, 2008

Say Anything... (1989)

The Good:
It was a semi-sweet story about the triumph of youth and hope.
The acting was fine, for the most part.
It was cool seeing so many people early in their careers.
Some of it was humorous.
John Cusack was good in it.

The Bad:
There didn't seem to be much of an interesting story arc to me, I kept waiting for it to really get going.
The boombox scene was a lot less important or cool as I was expecting considering it is like a pop movie iconic reference.
The film seemed really dated in look and feel (of course it is).
I honestly thought the character development was lacking for the empathy it was demanding.

Overall: Sorry everyone of my generation, I just didn't get it. The film was fine all-n-all, but nothing special. Perhaps I needed to see it when I was 17 or something. I prefer Sixteen Candles or The Breakfast Club hands down. *sigh* I will admit, perhaps I was expecting too much.


Frayed One said...

Odd - I absolutely hated Sixteen Candles. Still won't watch it again to this day. Thought it was a vapid awful movie. Can't argue about The Breakfast Club though. I still watch that one in passing when I see it on TV, and it's always on TV somewhere. Loved Say Anything. It's why I will always love John Cusack.

Anonymous said...

This one of my favorites of all time. Love it. Early Eric Stoltz in a big chicken costume. HA! Friends with potential...