Monday, March 17, 2008

Attention!!! Attenttion!!! A Special Anouncement!!!

The Film Crew are a comedic team similar to Mystery Science Theater 3000, comprising former MST3K cast members Michael J. Nelson, Bill Corbett, and Kevin Murphy.

So far I have seen 2 of their films, The Film Crew: Hollywood After Dark and The Film Crew: Killers From Space, and have really enjoyed them (the latter a bit more than the former). I must admit, I do miss the "robots", but the humor is still there. Check 'em out!!!


Pylgrim X said...

The Film Crew: Hollywood After Dark...

First half was the dullest, blandest, most obtuse piece if crap I've ever seen. Only the singularity of suck itself, Manos, has been worse to me. The only impressions that were strong enough to hold in my brain were a junk pile, a guy who was hitting on the oblivious antihero with Julius Caesar quotes, and luke warm angst. The guys kept it lively enough with the whole weirdness of Rue McClanahan(sp?), but it was still torture.

The halftime show was just as long and sparse as the movie had been, and I ended up going to Target for a new mouse to replace my six month old Walmart mouse. Yep, that's how riveted I was by the show.

Good thing I put the second half on when I got back. I was seriously considering skipping to Killers From Space, but I'm a completist. OCD led me into yet more crappy movie, but at a different pace. It was like that slug in the pit of a stagnant hell who'd decided he'd finally had enough and charged as fast as his slimey belly would carry him. The guys were on a role from the minute the crappy "Heat" plot finally started all the way to the end. Good show.

As for the movie, why not catch an episode of the Golden Girls instead, then follow it with Resevoir Dogs and a strip club chaser. Now THAT'S nialism.

The Film Crew: Killers From Space

Ok, there are scenes in this film where everyone present has a lit cigarette, but the closest thing to actual smoking that occurs is the beginning of a puff. It's like the director thought a lit stick of tobacco was actually a magical blocking wand.

Ok, aliens don't even show up for 40 minutes. 40 minutes of inept military procedure. 40 minutes of retarded crazy. 40 minutes of wasted tobacco. Then a tepid half time show, again, and another half hour of nausia. Only good point I found was the wife. She's generally absent from the movie, a blessing to her, and she seems genuinely good, in that depowerd, 50's, stand by your man, kind of way. And she inhaled. She sold it. Her man, or mannequin as it might have been... not so much.

Perhaps context. Rent the Astronaut's Wife. Watch it. Now, think how bad it is that something that bad was better than Killers From Space.

The Film Crew: The Wild Women of Wongo

Ugh. I hate parrots. Didn't think I did. Now I know I do. Bad bad bad stinky bad awful piece of garbage. South Florida crap. And the tall girl they claim to be "ugly" is nothing of the sort. She's tall. That's it, cute and tall. Bloody bastard 60's.


Pope said...

Excellent review Pylgrim X! I endorse your assessment.