Sunday, March 9, 2008

Babylon 5: The Lost Tales - Voices in the Dark (2007)

Babylon 5: The Lost Tales - Voices in the Dark

The Good:
I liked Peter Woodward as Galen.
The exterior CGI was great.
The second story was more enjoyable and more keeping with the feel and tradition of Babylon 5.

The Bad:
The interior CGI was terrible.
The first tale was ... ugh... ugh... bad.
I never cared for Colonel/Captain Elizabeth Lochley.
Bab 5 was always religiously over-toned, but the blatant judeo-christian story was too much.

Overall: I am a huge fan of Babylon 5, I am not a huge fan of this movie. Watch the series, not this movie.


Anonymous said...

I am interested in you comment about B5 being too religion-heavy. Especially since JMS is an atheist. See the archive at for proof.

Also, you might want to stop and consider that the "heavy-handed" religious explanation for what went on was nothing more than charlatinsm on the part of the "devil". If the Vorlons could cloak themselves in the vestments of Angelic figures, why can't other powerful beings invent a devil as a counterpoint?



Pope said...

I totally don't doubt JMS being an atheist, especially since in many ways the theme of the entire Shadow War was about man and not the "gods" (I'm sure you know what I am saying - wouldn't want to give too much away if some one hasn't seen the series).

My religious issue with this video was the use of judeo-christian mythology exclusively as a plot-point. God trapping fallen angels on Earth, exorcisms, Asmodeus, it was all too much without a real payoff of at least it being an alien presence of some kind for sure. It just seemed like a weak plot at best and at worst a verifying that "God" and traditional "demons" exist in the B5 universe... that would be stupid and suck IMO.

For this type of plot done right, check out the second season of the new Doctor Who for the episodes "The Impossible Planet" and "The Satan Pit".

Thanks for the comment FD. I do appreciate the thoughtfulness in it.

Cheers to you too!