Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Edison Force (2005)

Also called "Edison"

The Good:
It had some great actors in it (Morgan Freeman, Kevin Spacey).
It showcases what I have always said is the biggest problem in any police force, that being corruption and tyranny. I have a perhaps unwarranted fear that cops have the single highest likelihood of being criminals of any profession. The fact that they almost always conduct themselves just like a bully from elementary school doesn't help either... oh yeah sorry, the movie, right...
Some of the editing was pretty cool, but it was mostly at the beginning.

The Bad:
It had some not-so-good actors in it (Justin Timberlake).
The story is kinda blah...
Kevin Spacey looked weird with all that hair.

*Exhale* Just don't bother. There is a reason you probably didn't hear about this one. It's okay at best. I give this one a RoboCop minus the scifi and minus the wit and multipled by Justin Timberlake (btw that a negative).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.