Friday, March 7, 2008

Land of the Blind (2006)

The Good:
One man's journey, the story of a nation, a dark comedy that ceases to be funny as the adept director leads you along a winding trail of political satire, revolutionary philosophy, and callous realism.
It is a fantastic cautionary tale and morality play.
The multiple styles of dress from blended time periods create a caricature of royalty and the ruling elite that is very nice.
The acting was top notch, the directing was amazing, the plot was finely crafted, the dialouge was well-written...

The Bad:
My only real complaint was I wanted it to be longer, it was 110 minutes, but I would have watched it for another 110 minutes. It seemed to end quickly.

Overall: I really enjoyed this film! It pulled me in very quickly with a kind of off-beat dark humor and then introduced interesting political elements and before I knew it I was completely hooked. I am a little drained from it though, in a good way. Good for sparking political and/or philosophical discussion (or thought). No rating by comparison this time, let me just say I enjoyed it immensely.

1 comment:

Frayed One said...

I've been curious about this one for awhile. Going to check it out now.