Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Outpost (2007)

The Good:
Although the idea of the story has been done before, it seldom gets old to me. In a lot of ways, it is become a genre all to itself - "Dimensional Breach" genre (including films like Event Horizon and The Mist and nominally films like Pulse).
I like Ray Stevenson as an actor (see Rome).
The Nazi, the perfect villain.

The Bad:
Little character development.
Slow to start.
I would have liked a bit more exposition.
Some predictability.

Overall: Better than a Sci-Fi Original movie, not great though. I enjoyed watching it and enjoyed the idea. If you don't mind one color tone for an entire film, it's fine really. Nice ending too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Meh. Not terrible. I would say it's good for a hungover Sunday afternoon, but more than that wold be pushing it. The theme was so-so, and it kind of reminded me of Deathwatch but with a sciency aspect and worse plot and acting. I would by far recommend Deathwatch. Umm....that about sums it up. Could have been way worse. Probably couldn't have been much better with a plot like that unless it was anime--amazing how stuff can suck so much less when it's drawn. Go figure.